
6th International Scholarly Conference “Manga Futures- Institutional and Fan
開催日時 2014.10.31(FRI)-11.2(SUN)
会場 オーストラリア・ウーロンゴン大学

共催:オーストラリア・ウーロンゴン大学    京都国際マンガミュージアム    京都精華大学国際マンガ研究センター







Friday 31 October 2014

17:00 Exhibition Opening

Protean Borders:Trans-cultural Encounters with Japanese Popular Culture
Closed event for conference delegates and invited guests


Saturday 1 November 2014

10:00 – 10:45 Keynote 1

Chair: Mark McLelland

Censoring Manga in the 21st Century
Kirsten Cather, University of Texas at Austin

11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Panel 1

Chair: Jaqueline Berndt, Kyoto Seika University

Gender and Manga Representation of Sexuality: Focusing on Female Readers in Japan
Yukari Fujimoto, Meiji University

Manga Under Siege: The Legal Framework, Arguments Against “Pornographic Manga” in Japan, and Strategies For Resistance
Takashi Yamaguchi, Link Law Office, Kito and Partners

Between Ignorance and Cant: Finding a Way to Analyze Ero-Manga
Tadahiro Saika, International Manga Research Center
Kaworu Nagayama, Manga critic, writer and editor


14:15 – 15:45 Plenary Panel 2: Legal Issues and Censorship

Chair: James Welker, Kanagawa University

The End of “Cool Japan”? Ethical, Legal, Political and Cultural Challenges for Japanese Popular Culture Researchers and Teachers
Mark McLelland, University of Wollongong

Canada Customs vs. the Borderless World: Manga, Anime and Child Pornography
Sharalyn Orbaugh, University of British Columbia

 A Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name Aloud: Chinese Boys’ Love Fandom in the 2014 ‘Cleaning the Web’ Campaign
Ling Yang, Xiamen University
Yanrui Xu, Ningbo Institute of Technology, ZhejiangUniversity


16:05 – 17:05 Artist Talk

Picturing Manga’s Future in a Global World
Keiko Takemiya, Kyoto Seika University


17:05 – 17:30 Keynote 2

Chair: Vera Mackie, University of Wollongong

Manga Studies as a Field of Scholarship: Present Constraints and Future Prospects
Jaqueline Berndt, Kyoto Seika University


Sunday 2 November 2014

9:30 – 10:30 Concurrent Panels: Session 1

Session 1a: Manga and War

Chair: Kirsten Cather, University of Texas at Austin

Censoring Gen: an examination of attempts to remove Barefoot Gen from Japanese school libraries
Ronald Stewart, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
Reading manga in the discourse of popular memory: the analysis of animalization and the grotesque in war manga
Kaori Yoshida, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


Session 1b: Moe Politics

Chair: Rowena Ward, University of Wollongong

“Moe” Politics : The structural friction between society and corporeality / immortality form of character
Yuzuru Nakagawa, Japan Institute of the Moving Image

Moe and the Limits of the Cute
Keith Russell, The University of Newcastle


10:45 – 12:15 Concurrent Panels: Session 2

Session 2a: Cultural Economies

Chair: Kristine Michelle (Khursten) Santos
Dojinshi and other fanworks as an upcoming growth area for transcultural cultural economies
Nele Noppe, University of Leuven 

After the boom: The impact of anime-manga fan culture in Hungary on the wider geek culture and its subcultural producers
Zoltan Kacsuk, Kyoto Seika University

Negotiating religious and fan identities: yaoi and fujoshi guilt
Jessica Sugimoto, Ryukoku University


Session 2b: Representation of “Outsiders”

Chair: Thomas Baudinette, Monash University

Close Encounter: The online “amateur” manga about

international marriage My Lovely Chinese Wife by Inoue Jun’ichi’
Shige (CJ) Suzuki, Baruch College - CUNY

Ethical and Philosophical Challenges of George Akiyama: Ashura, Zeni Geba and Manga Culture in the 1970s
Kotaro Nakagaki, Daito Bunka University

Beyond Individual Authorship: New Perspectives for a Multilayered Analysis of Manga and Anime
Oliver Kuehne, Freie Universitaet Berlin

13:30 – 15:00 Concurrent Panels: Session 3

Session 3: Fannish Subversion

Chair: Rebecca Suter, University of Sydney
The power of Trunks-ation: conflation and subversion in Dragon Ball Z Abridged
Michelle Kent, Monash University

Even a Monkey Can Understand Fan Activism: Bill 156 and the Dōjin Public
Andrea Horbinski, University of California - Berkeley

The Poetics of Boy Love: Transfiguring Masculinities in Yaoi Parodies of Final Fantasy VII
Kathryn Hemmann, George Mason University


Session 4: Shōjo Manga

Chair: Vera Mackie, University of Wollongong

Little ladies: The aesthetics of shōjo manga and their incorporation into the lolita fashion style
Megan Russel, University of New South Wales

Valiant and Beautiful:Rethinking gender and aesthetics in shōjo manga
Masafumi Monden, University of Technology, Sydney

Shōjo Manga Presenting Taboos and the Future: Incest and Women
Fusami Ogi, Chikushi Jogakuen University


15:00 – 15:30 Plenary Panel 3: Whose Queer Media?

Chair: Sharalyn Orbaugh, University of British Columbia

An Examination of the Diverse Fandom of the Cross-Media Yuri Genre
James Welker, Kanagawa University


15:45 – 17:15 Plenary Panel 4: Manga culture and Japanese Studies

Chair: Sharalyn Orbaugh, University of British Columbia

Death Note, Student Crimes, and the Power of Universities in the Global Domination of Manga
Alisa Freedman, University of Oregon

Scholar girl meets manga maniac, media specialist, and cultural gatekeeper
Laura Miller, University of Missouri - St. Louis

Is There Room for Lolicon in Cool Japan
Patrick Galbraith, Duke University



『マンガにおけるオルタナティブの多面性』(国際マンガ研究 vol. 5、ジャクリーヌ・ベルント編)オンライン修正版(2015年7月26日改訂)



序文  ジャクリーヌ・ベルント

1 欧米圏のオルタナティブ・コミックスにおける自伝的作品についての論考
2 米国における女性オルタナティブ・コミックスの展望――グラフィック・ノベルにおける
3 無視」と「隠微な愉しみ」のあいだ――「エロマンガ」という領域を論じることの意義
  永山薫 ・雑賀忠宏
4 トゲのある政治漫画――ポスト3.11の日本のカートゥーン
5 「漫画」と「連環画」の間――張光宇の連環漫画『西遊漫記』について
6 星の瞳に映るオルタナティブ――「典型的」少女マンガの再評価をめざして
  門傳昌章&ルーシー・フレーザー/秦美香子 訳
7 純情漫画革命――雑誌としての『九番目の神話』
8 受容者の見出すオルタナティブ性――やおい活動における「芸能・ナマモノ」の役割から
9 観察者として位置づけられる読者――山本ルンルンのマンガにおけるナラティブ・




10 愛すべき無理難題 マーラー漫画パーク』キュレーションのコンセプト
11 ニコラス・マーラーの作品がほのめかすオーストリアにおける「日本」
  感想文集 『古典絵画の巨匠たち』をめぐって



トップページ 講演会・研究会 【シンポジウム】第6回国際学術会議「マンガ・フューチャーズ‐日本内外の制度とファンへのアプローチ」